In our moments of deepest sorrow and utmost joy, in times of peace and of war, few professions could be said to touch our lives in a way that compares to nursing. Florence Nightingale – ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ – showed us the very model of the modern nurse and in 1860 set up the world’s first secular nursing school at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Since then, this quintessentially caregiving profession has grown and diversified – giving us community nurses, family nurses, paediatric and geriatric nurses, and myriad specialisms besides – to keep us healthy and happy in feeling and in fact. In more recent years, aesthetic nurses have begun to help patients improve their wellbeing through cosmetic interventions. This is where Acquisition Aesthetics comes in.

CPD-Certified Facial Aesthetics Training for Nurses

We offer a selection of cosmetic courses for nurses looking to expand into the use of Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) and dermal fillers: our foundation Botox® and dermal fillers course is perfect for nurses new to the specialism and provides all the theory and technical training needed for nurses to begin their aesthetic practice immediately; those seeking to upgrade their skills and knowledge can take the advanced dermal fillers and Botox® training course (our most popular programme) to improve the breadth and depth of their expertise; a combined cosmetic course includes training both at foundation and advanced levels – at a reduced cost compared with the two cosmetic courses taken separately.


The Demand

The ever-expanding cosmetic industry is in desperate need of more skilled aesthetic practitioners. Doctors, dentists and nurses are the ideal candidates for the job.

Dentists, Doctors and Nurses as Medical

The transferability of your existing skills means that you already have many of the abilities that define a great aesthetic practitioner.

The Rewards

There are numerous rewards that practitioners take from their experience of aesthetic practice and these will differ between different personalities.


Facial aesthetics offers a window of opportunity to boost your earnings dramatically and sustainably.

Greater professional autonomy and flexibility

As an aesthetic practitioner, you have the power to define your own working schedule and expand and develop your practice in any way you so wish.

A convenient complementary skill

Aesthetic doctors, dentists and nurses report that expanding into cosmetic injectables is a natural progression from routine practice.

Development of artistic skills

The practice of cosmetic medicine demands a well developed aesthetic eye and an appreciation for the fundamental principles that govern beauty.

Business Opportunities

Cosmetic injectables provides the ideal platform for doctors, dentists and nurses to channel their entrepreneurial spirit and build a successful business in today’s competitive market.


Ready to take back your working autonomy?

Unlock the Path to a Thriving Career in Facial Aesthetics!


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